Want to Sue Media? Have Jury Trial Conducted in Florida
Do juries in Florida not like media companies? Well, we recall the nuclear award against Gawker - $140 million - awarded to Hulk Hogan. Media lawyer Charles Harder represented the plaintiff. Conservative Peter Thiel helped with the financing. The merry gang at Gawker, who had a very good time transforming big names into shaking heaps with its tabloid coverage, had no idea how to present their Big City selves to a Florida jury. Seemingly uncoached, they did everything wrong. Their smart-aleck performance in court would have made an amazing segment on "SNL." Because Gawker couldn't pony up the money it went out of business. I said "Good Riddance." Every Friday for four years there would be a high-level committee meeting at Gawker to decide if I were to be executed. Obviously, I would get stays and social media would roar that I didn't deserve mercy. I have yet to figure out my crime. Now we have the jury in Panama, Florida ruling against CNN for defamation o...