SCOTUS Blows Up Biden's 2020 Campaign Whatevers on Student Loans - Will Debtors Turn on Him in 2024?
"As a presidential candidate in 2020, Biden said he would pursue legislation to erase $10,000 in student debt per borrower." - The Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2023 The 6-3 SCOTUS decision to strike down that plan raises interesting questions about the powers of the three branches of government. But meanwhile politicos are gearing up for 2024 as a general election year. Biden himself has to worry if he will be positioned and packaged as a manipulator. Did he hold out hope to student-loan debtors some relief during the 2020 campaign and know he wouldn't be able to pull it off? So, with that hope ended will there be a massive turn-against Biden during the 2024 campaign? Also, will other liberal candidates be victims of guilt by association? How could they be part of a party which did this to those struggling financially? Conservatives could keep celebrating this victory. The wrongness of that kind of debt reduction, they can chant, is what conservative thinkiing saved Am...