Save Your Livelihood from Generative AI - Push into Strategy or the Big Picture, Get Out of Producing and Editing Content

  As with all technologies some jobs are more likely to be wiped out by the growing versions of generative AI than others. 

Those who fear their livelihood could go poof should pay attention to the findings of University of Pennsylvania researchers, published in Arxiv. Headed by Tyna Eloundou it found that the most vulnerable include tasks involving writing. The least are those involving critical thinking.

So, if you are employed currently at a public relations agency such as Edelman you might navigate to the strategy or big picture side and away from the slots in the organization which produce the actual content for the initiatives. The big-picture players can run their plans through an AI chatbot for a lot less cost and perhaps more quality than a human copywriter would. Yes, ChatGPT - 4 is more creative than the earlier version.

If you are working in a law firm worm your way into assisting with the litigation or transaction strategy and as far as possible from the teams who produce the first drafts of the material related to all that. And then they oversee all the markups. 

Think boldly since it is possible for junior lawyers to pull that off. 

If you read the myriad accounts of Aaron Charney's sex orientation lawsuit against Sullivan & Cromwell you will notice that he was able to spot where he could make real impact in a M&A situation. Of course, that got him noticed.

One more example of being able even in the traditional setting of an elite law firms to situate yourself in the right place for Chatbot times is this: When a second-year year associate at Paul Weiss current chair Brad Karp did get into the meat and potatoes of the high-profile Pennzoil lawsuit against Texaco. As the details from Superlawyer report, that breakthrough experience happened through attracting mentors. Here is my article on how not setting rigid boundaries, that is being responsive, can create the mystical force field for being embraced by a mentor.

A second option for staying working as generative AI becomes embedded in business functionality is a career change. Here is my article on that published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations.

A third is developing multiple sources of income as a hedge for when you wake up at 4 AM and there is that email informing you your job is gone. The odds are against landing a comparable one, at least any time soon. While you scramble you need money coming in. Gigs range from selling used merchandise online to tutoring to delivering food. 

Where are you in how you make your living? Or in your job search? Intuitive career coaching offers you a new way to go about it. Take advantage of a complimentary consultation. Schedule an appointment with Jane Genova (

Genova and Associates also provides Human Resources communications, ranging from white papers to thought-leadership articles. You will differentiate yourself from the competition. Please contact or text 203-468-8579.



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