For Your Act 2, Do Something Different from Act 1 - Bob Iger Seems to Have Gotten Very Stuck in Disney Past

 "Iger needs to dream up better ideas than spending more on parks." - Financial Times, September 21, 2023

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the one-time role model for effective corporate leadership - Bob Iger - may not be up to the complexity of turning around a distressed empire. The history of business clearly indicates that when major players return for a second act they have to do things very differently. Iger doesn't seem enough there. The possible sale of ABC would be a minor move. 

Think about it. After his fall from grace, including prison, Michael Milken developed a new identity in philanthropy. Later he circled back to being a presence in finance. 

Fired from Ford where he had headed marketing, Lee Iacocca became a CEO (a very different role) at near-bankrupt Chrysler. There he introduced what were then radical ideas. That worked, at least for a while. 

Voted back in by the partners last May, Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp unleashed a disruption throughout the legal sector through bold competitor raids. That distracted from earlier scandals such as detailed in "The Caesar's Palace Coup." 

A simple way of explaining Iger's stumbles - including the ham-handed way he navigated the Writers' strike - is the old business adage: Nothing fails like success. In time, the born-again Chrysler was back in the soup. No surprise either, one-time hero of the working man Iacocca eventually became a pariah in blue-collar Detroit. 

In my intuitive coaching and Tarot career readings I help clients to constantly put on a "new pair of glasses" to view their jobs, entrepreneurial ventures and their personal brands. Everything changes, sometimes several times a day. A useful practice is to stop the day to look at what could be shifting.

Data or the gut for your careers and communications? Both of course. Complimentary consultation with intuitive coach, content-creator, and Tarot reader Jane Genova (text 203-468-8579,


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