Buying a Car - From the Get-Go, How to Prevent the Repo Man from Coming

"Car Owners Fall Behind on Payments at Highest Rate on Record"  Bloomerg, October 21, 2023

Among the preventive measures for a visit from the Repo Man is to buy a SmartCar. 

Although they are no longer produced by Mercedes-Benz there are plenty of them around. Most have found their way to dealerships through trade-ins. Also individuals are putting them on the market as they trade up. SmartCars are available locally and throughout the US. For the latter, just start a search on the Internet and it will be shipped.
For pricing, check Kelly Blue Book for SmartCars. They come in EV, hybrid and gasoline versions. The price ranges from the high end of about $15,000 to about $7,000 or less. You bet, you could wind up paying cash, not taking a car loan.

About three years ago I ponied up $7,200 in cash for a 2013 two-door roaster with sun roof. The miles on it were about 50,000. That was in Michigan, near Ann Arbor. Miles per gallon of gasoline is about 40. So far no major problems. It is well-engineered. Car insurance is Ohio is about $65 a month. With the SmartCar I traveled cross-country twice. Great pickup on the highway. Good visibility in changing lanes. 

To my clients I recommend a SmartCar if they need transportation to commute to work and are budget-challenged. 

Data or the gut for your careers and communications? Both of course. Complimentary consultation with intuitive coach, content-creator, and Tarot reader Jane Genova (text 203-468-8579,


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