The More Than 170 On the Hook Probably Won't Get Leon Black Off the Hook

 On January 1, 2024, the names of 177 associated in some way with Jeffrey Epstein could be available for public disclosure. Judge Loretta Preska is in charge of this and when she made her ruling earlier this month she gave the John/Jane DOEs  14 days to appeal. 

Reputation restorers likely have already been hired by those in the loop. Media outlets which have a sense who are among the DOEs are probably preparing coverage. 

However, those additions to the list of who was on Epstein's network probably won't get Leon Black off the hook. What might have been simply sticky hardened into something permanent. He didn't do the right crisis-management things quickly enough. 

In my coaching practice I warn those feeling the heat to "surrender" to the reality of the attack. Approach the situation as urgent. That's the only way to be on the offense. That doesn't mean having to admit guilt of some kind. It means admitting there is a problem and signaling a willingness to be part of the solution.

However, there is branding hope for Black. That could require creating a whole new identity, the way Michael Milken did after serving time in prison. Another success at a reset has been infamous intern Monica Lewinsky. 

Data or the gut for your careers and communications? Both of course. Complimentary consultation with intuitive coach, content-creator, and Tarot reader Jane Genova (text 203-468-8579,


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