They See Too Much + Underlying Dysfunction - Global CrimeStoppers

" ... officers from the Clarkstown Police Department found Bronxville Police Department Sergeant Watson Morgan, 49, his wife Ornela Morgan, 43, and their two sons aged 10 and 12 dead in their home." - Business Insider, December 31, 2023

That tragedy is assumed to be a murder-suicide. Non-glam crime series such as the British "Whitechapel" captured the mental torment of those on the front lines. US glam ones such as "Criminal Minds" focused more on the dynamics of crime-solving and "Law & Order SVU" on what's wrong with the system.

A series from 2009 - 2013 "Whitechapel" follows the investigation of serial killings which replicate historic crimes such as Jack the Ripper. Along the way those in the loop see too much on the job and that is piled onto their own underlying dysfunction. For example, the head of the group Joe Chandler struggles with the OCD which kicked in with his father's suicide and panic attacks. Socially isolated he can't get support from a significant other. A colleague tries to pitch in but he has his own demons. 

Those kinds of pressures are different from what clients I coach usually endure. That can take the form of employment insecurity or the micromanaging or bullying superior. They pick up coping skills. At the top of the food chain there are those spinning in the force field of worrying about losing their their power. But through extreme drive they usually manage to hold on to what they have achieved. At the lowest end there is an infinity of options such as loss prevention and home healthcare.

In contrast, the situation of crimestoppers is unique in what it takes out of its humans. They deserve access to what can keep them emotionally and spiritually whole and put it back together again when they shift into overwhelm. 

Complimentary confidential intuitive coaching session. No pressure. Maybe even some lightness of being. Exhale. Please contact Jane Genova for an appointment (text/phone 203-468-8579 or email at


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