Transition from College to Career - Brutal for All of Us, Brielle Asero, But We Kept Our Mouth Shut and Made a Living

Somehow most of us manage it: Making that harsh transition from being a student to having to put together a career. And, intuitively (or maybe mentors tip us off) we keep our pain private as we adjust to "adultimg."

Not so Gen Zer Briella Asero. Although it took her five months to land a job after graduating college she cried (literally) about the situation on TikTok. Her beefs ranged from being locked into 9-to-5 to the commute. Now, as Daily Mail reports, that cause of her distress is gone. She has been laid off from the position. She has no emergency fund. 

She probably will never know if there had been a correlation between the jaw-jawing about her difficult rite of passage and currently being without work. 

However, if she has decided to what we call "grow up" she will understand how risky it is to go public with anything and everything about an employer - at least without their approval. That covers not only the negative but also the positive. Actually it also applies to what is yakked internally. 

To vent there are digital professional anonymous networks such as Blind, Fishbowl and Reddit.

Back before that technology we confided in former college friends, clinging to that support system for about a decade. By then we acquired coping skills for work-specific realities. Didn't get that promotion we assumed we deserved? Discreetly search for another position. During interviews for that we certainly didn't badmouth our current employer.

As a career coach, I recommend Asero lay low and grab gigs to pay the bills in financially unforgiving New York City. Yes, go quiet. During that time she can figure out what kind of work interests her enough to be able to accept the downsides as what goes with the territory. There will be more of them - that is, downsides - as generative AI increases uncertainty about how tasks will be done - or not done and for what compensation. That means Asero has to research what skills are most likely to be no longer marketable and, along the way to elimination, pay less and less.   

Data or the gut for your careers and communications? Both of course. Complimentary consultation with intuitive coach, content-creator, and Tarot reader Jane Genova (text 203-468-8579,


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