Election 2024 As Experienced in Arizona - GOP Coming Back from Near-Death Experiences

In snail mail, here is southeast Arizona, the GOP signals it's still in the race. The large well-done four-color flyer is titled

"Kamala Harris: 'Sticking It to Seniors'"

With documentation from The Wall Street it goes on to claim

"Kamala Harris was caught red-handed trying to cover up her plan to raise your premiums & cancel your care."

In this neck of woods, where budget-minded boomers come to semi-retire or retire, this is bound to get attention. The GOP, after several near-fatal blows by the Dems, is back.

According to Pew Research 62 million 65 or older now live in America. Right here in AZ, 18.3% of us are over-65. Those of us eligible to vote do that and it's primarily to protect our Social Security Security and Medicare. Already we're in a sour mood because as of this month the estimated SS COLA for 2025 is between 2.57-2.6 %, lowest since 2021.

So, Harris-Walz better get its flyers in our snail mail, making us feel safe about our entitlements in the next several years. Sure, our nest eggs are looking good because of the stock market - and Harris-Walz could claim credit - but the game is not to have to withdraw. We are putting that off as long as we can.

Ideally we want to live on SS and what we are picking up through remaining working for income into our late 70s and until about our mid-80s. That's part of why we still are at it, hustling. After all, the "threat" of making it to 100 is becoming more real. 

In my intuitive coaching and tarot readings for those 50 or older the number-one issue is financial survival. ProPublica documented that for those in that age bracket there is a 50% they will be forced out of their jobs. If they are blessed and land another there is only a 10% chance it will pay what the former compensation had. 

Political strategist James Carville is right. This will be a tough election. Lots can happen before the first week in November. And master fundraiser Paul, Weiss chair Brad Karp is also right that it's the most expensive ever. Harris-Walz has to be spending more in AZ. 

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.com)


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