Women and Power - Kamala Harris Not Giving Off the Vibes

Dating way back to the role of Eve influencing Adam to bite into the forbidden fruit, females tend to be portrayed badly in terms of power. 

Hillary Clinton never got the hang of how to position and package that key attribute which Bill takes on so smoothly. There is that cringe recall of  Hillary's strutting around the White House during her husband's first term determined to fix the healthcare system - without being elected by the people to do so. Quickly she dropped all that and went low profile. Proably we never forgave her.

Then there is prominent litigator Roberta Kaplan who, from her career start at Paul, Weiss, has been gossiped about for how she is alleged to handle power.

Now we have presidential candidate Kamala Harris. After her first live interview on CNN some are coming down on her for not exuding a power aura. The New York Post reports:

"[Body language expert Susan] Constantine’s overall assessment was that Harris, who is seeking to become the first female president of the US in November, did not 'look like a woman in power.'”

For example, Harris:

Did not sustain eye contact

Leaned forward for the interview

Looked over too often to Tim Walz, seemingly for external validiation

Came across as lacking the appropriate amount of confidence.

All this is in contrast to how powerhouses such as Nancy Pelosi, Queen Elizabeth and Evita put together their unique public power persona. There is no one style. But there are myriad not-to-dos. 

As a result of the failure to transmit the message of being-in-charge there is fear that this "creation" by the best and brightest strategists and fundraisers in the Democratic Party can be blown away by power-monger Donald Trump. He never backed off from embedding power into all his roles in business, politics and his personal life. 

The debate scheduled for September 10th could, as it did with Joe Biden and Richard Nixon, poison the nation's perception of Harris as a leader. The Paul, Weiss partner Karen Dunn prepping her for that high-stakes performance has to help Harris create a power force field which draws in a nation which needs to simultaneously feel safe and yet able to take leaps into a future of opportunity. The task is almost mystical. As a tarot reader and intuitive coach I know this: Kamala Harris requires an inner psychic shift.

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.com)



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