Amazon Crosses Line From Hybrid to Full-Time Be-in-Office: What the Hell is RTO Really About?

Even before the pandemic remote work had been catching on, at least in progressive organizations such as tech, the freelance economy and a distributed global workforce. 

Currently, though, it's increasingly under attack. Amazon, in its announcement of a full-time in-the-office arrangement beginning next year, could be it is feared giving "permission" to other businesses to also adopt that policy. For a while now there has been speculation that many professional services firms - management consulting, law, public relations and finance - have been waiting for bigger, more powerful businesses to make the move.

In response to Amazon's shift its employees are speculating on the internal Slack platform and in social networks such as Reddit about what the hell this is really about. 

Some size up the initiative as a masked layoff device. Talent could quit rather than cave to the mandate. In this era of cost-efficiency that saves the corporation mega bucks in severance. Too many businesses over-hired during COVID. 

Also, it could represent mere "virtue-signaling." Having all the busy bees together in a highly visible hive might create the right look for constituencies ranging from clients to shareholders. 

It is well-known that in the prestigious orbits of large law firms like Kirkland & Ellis, Skadden, Latham and Paul Weiss those with the power - leadership, partners, litigation funders and clients - could prefer the assurance of associates being actually in the office working on their projects. That's exactly the reason for in-person attendance incentives such as free food. 

Another reason could be a show of power. The message is that the employer, not the employee, has the upper hand. Power takes myriad forms. 

Old-line fear as a mode of control of the workforce could be returning as a management model. After all, we are in a white collar recession. That could mutate into the massive long-term elimination of knowledge worker slots. Yes, the white collar can become an endangered species. In contrast those in the trades are in demand and usually on their own terms.

For my own boutique providing intuitive coaching/tarot readings, opportunity primarily is happening with on-site contract assignments. That is both for guidance and providing in-person workshops. As in the 20th century, I had to invest in a large number of go-to-the-office outfits, pricey hairstyling and effective socializing skills.

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email


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