Want to Sue Media? Have Jury Trial Conducted in Florida

 Do juries in Florida not like media companies?

Well, we recall the nuclear award against Gawker - $140 million - awarded to Hulk Hogan. Media lawyer Charles Harder represented the plaintiff. Conservative Peter Thiel helped with the financing.

The merry gang at Gawker, who had a very good time transforming big names into shaking heaps with its tabloid coverage, had no idea how to present their Big City selves to a Florida jury. Seemingly uncoached, they did everything wrong. Their smart-aleck performance in court would have made an amazing segment on "SNL."

Because Gawker couldn't pony up the money it went out of business. I said "Good Riddance." Every Friday for four years there would be a high-level committee meeting at Gawker to decide if I were to be executed. Obviously, I would get stays and social media would roar that I didn't deserve mercy. I have yet to figure out my crime.

Now we have the jury in Panama, Florida ruling against CNN for defamation of Zachary Young for defamation. The news service will have to hand over $5 million. That could be just the beginning. Next will be determined punitive damages. 

What's obvious is that you have a beef with media do this: Have your lawyer figure out how to base the litigation in Florida. 

In the coming Trump Administration the odds are that those with pent-up resentments against media outlets will be motivated to go the litigation route. Defense firms with media practices such as Paul Weiss, Gibson Dunn and Ballard Spahr could be very busy. 

In my career coaching I steer clients to establish brand on networks such as LinkedIn and platforms such as Substack. You have to be there. You don't have to be in legacy media. 

Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.com. Remote and in-person.


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