Shift to LCOL Area - Cheap Could Cost You Career Mobility

Monthly you authorize the big payouts for the expenses of building a career in a HCOL (high cost of living) area such as New York City or Los Angeles. So, it seems to make more and more sense to relocate your career to a LCOL (low cost of living) location.

Not so fast. As this thread on Fishbowl indicates the tradeoff could be loss of career mobility. That especially applies if you opt to transfer from the headquarters in a pricey city to, for example, one of its offices in a smaller city in the midwest. 

Work is a social context. Daily face to face interaction with those who can advance your career or even are aware of your value goes kaput. 

Also, traditional assumptions hang on: If you were any good you would be part of the scene in those major hubs for stars in your profession. 

This is exactly why the ambitious suck up the extreme housing costs of taking their first job in where the action is known to be. Cheap can have too expensive tradeoffs. 

As a coach I advise professionals to put off cheap until the normal time when a career loses momentum. That's when you can "afford" to go cheap.

Is the life you’ve known collapsing? As your intuitive career coach/tarot reader I guide you to what could be next. One door closes, another one can open. Free confidential consultation. If we work together, fees are what you can afford. To connect: Jane Genova (text/phone 203-468-8579, In-person and remote.


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