The Husch Blackwell Story - It's Not that Chair-Elect Is 46 Years Young
Joe Glynias is the chair elect at law firm Husch Blackwell. He is 46 years young and that age is headlined in Abovethelaw. However, it's not that young. Over at Brown Rudnick, which successfully represented Johnny Depp, Vincent Gugliemotti had been 41 when he became its head, the title being CEO. And at Paul, Weiss Brad Karp had been voted in as chair by the partners when he was 48 (at 63 Karp is still there chairing). The story here is not youth. It's that Husch Blackwell also now has as its CEO a non-lawyer. That's a first for that kind of law firm. And it's Jamie Lawless. That might be a smart development in the dog-fight world of law firms for everything from new business to blockbuster branding to preventing partner/client flight. Often lawyers are not that astute about business per se, just their little aspect of it when operating their practices such as M&A. Anyway, the youth-anything announcement is getting long in the tooth. Just as is the working beyo...