50 Percent of You Are Considering Unretiring: And, You're Excited, Not Scared
That Social Security COLA was peanuts. And inflation is back, not rising as fast as it had been, but still a stunner, especially in the grocery aisles.
So, I found it predicable that Motley Fool reported that 50% of the aging surveyed are considering unretiring, that is, returning to work. Mostly part-time.
What was not predictable to me were the calls I'm receiving from those needing guidance on re-entering the labor market. They were excited. Sure, they anticipate it will be a learning curve since they're "rusty." But the very prospect of working again delivers a kind of liberation. Yes, retirement can be hell.
The reason for being so energized is that not-working can lower both the inner and the external vibrations in life. Everything becomes less vivid. Less urgent. Less of a connector with others.
Of course, there's a lot to get down before the first application for work is sent. That ranges from creating a functional resume with appropriate keywords and a LinkedIn profile to researching what skills are marketable and how to sell them.
That should be done quickly. There is that old adage: Nothing gets you work like work. The sooner you land any kind of paid work the sooner you will be moving to better paid work.
One client unretired with a gig driving a school bus. During that he met a parent who passed along assignments in his former field of technical writing. A lot opens up when you're out there again.
Yes, Career Coach for the Over-50 Jane Genova provides a free consultation about re-entry to the workforce. If you find that helpful, fees are based on what you can afford. So, get back to work. For an appointment: Phone/test 203-468-8579, janegenova374@gmail.com.
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