Of Course, Everyone Is Watching You, You Are Watching Them - 2nd-Year Associate Leaving at 4:40 PM to Work at Home Gets PIPed
RTO mandates are growing in overall number and how many days employees have to be back in the office. What used to be called "face time" has re-emerged as critical to a career. On Reddit Big Law a 2nd-year associate was put on a PIP (Proposal to Improve Performance). One reason, put in writing, was that on some of the mandated RTO days they left the office at 4:30 PM to continue work at home. Their generation probably is too inexperienced in The Office to get it how widely and closely they are being "watched." In boomer times, when Corporate America was peaking, there was that old joke that so little really happens in a formal office setting because workers are watching other workers watch them and the superiors are watching everyone watching them in addition to watching them. I vividly recall how in my Fortune 50 days wondering where ABC was. Several blurted out in unison, "They went into Joe's office seven minutes ago." Brass are not excluded fro...