2022 = "Getting Cooleyed" - 2009 = "Getting Lathamed"
This second round of terminations at Cooley law firm has been labeled "a layoff." The earlier round had been classified as "performance-based." Bloomberg Law reports that 78 lawyers and 72 paralegals and business staff have been let go. That totaled 150. Unless another law firm can top that number before this year ends, the mantra could be "Getting Cooleyed." In 2009, what rang out was "Getting Lathamed," after Latham in one day axed 440. 190 of them had been associates. Now posters and responders to those posts on the professional anonymous networks will begin bleeding out with extreme angst. The mindset will be: If it can happen at Cooley it can happen at my firm. For months associates have been counting up how many hours they have been short for their quotas. With demand stuck in slow the magical thinking was over of making an end run before January. Sure, Cooley focuses on tech and much of tech is already in a version of recessionar...